一人一晚最低$461!步行就能到達 PetitengL'Occitane歐舒丹et 海灘,去峇里島就住這!





■優惠期間:2015/08/19 - 2016/04/30



■ 加價時段:

  • 2015/08/01~24 需加價IDR 150,000/房/晚

  • 2015/12/25~2016/01/03需加價IDR 200,000/房/晚

■ 延長入住:需加價 IDR 350,000/房/晚


  • 11歲以下兒童每加一人IDR 70000/晚,不含床、含早餐

  • 不可加床



■ 本優惠價格已含稅以及服務費,入住時旅館會請旅客提供信用卡,作為保證之用。如無信用卡,旅館將收取保證金,退房時保證金可退

■ 本優惠每次不限使用一張兌換券,不可與其他優惠合併使用


■ 本優惠最晚需於11/25前預約,並需於7天前預約入住日期,並以電子郵件將訂房資訊以英文寄至reservation@thealeahotels.com,預約確認訂房(請配合告知將使用GROUPON紙本好康券兌換)




■ 使用GROUPON憑證恕不兌現金、不找零


■ 如需預約,預約完成後方可兌換,實際預約情形需依店家當時狀況

■ 不得與店內其他優惠共用

■ 到店請出示紙本好康券,恕不接受未持券者


■ 相關問題請於週一至週五09:00-18:30來電(02)27131485,來信tw_service@groupon.com,或點此查詢

■ 部份照片僅供示意,適用於所有優惠的一般注意事項請看這邊

Package: 3D2N/4D3N/5D4N One Bedroom Deluxe Pool Access Stay at The Alea Hotel Seminyak for 2 People

Traveling Period:2015/08/19 - 2016/04/30

High season surcharge (1st of August'15 - 24th of August'15): IDR 150,000 nett/ room/ night

Peak season surcharge (25th Dec'15 - 3rd Jan'16): IDR 200,000 nett/ room/ night

Inclusion: Daily breakfast for 2 pax, 1 way airport transfer for 2 pax, complimentary welcome drinks and cold towel upon arrival, free WiFi in the hotel, complimentary mineral water for 2 pax, free shuttle service to Seminyak Area based on hotel's schedule, Guaranteed late checkout till 5 pm

Bookings must be made before 11/25 and at least 7 days before arrival | Reservations are to be sent to reservation@thealeahotels.com with names, preferred date(s) of stay and attached Groupon PDF voucher | Present booking confirmation from hotel and passport(s) on arrival | Subject to room availability | No cancellations allowed upon confirmation. | Amendments possible, subject to room availability. | Voucher is non-combinable with any other promotions. | Voucher is combinable for longer stay. | Vouchers are non-refundable and non-exchangeable. | All rates are nett, inclusive of applicable taxes and service charges.|

Optional Cost (Payable direct to hotel):

*Extra bed is not available.

*3rd person (child; age 0 - 11 years old) sharing existing bed + breakfast: IDR 70000 nett/ person/ night

*Extension of stay additional at IDR 350,000 nett/ room/ night.

The Alea Hotel Seminyak

One Bedroom Deluxe Pool Access

● $2002享有原價$7799二泊二食

●$2884享有原價$11700 三泊三食

●$3688享有原價$15601 四泊四食

每日早餐, 單程機場接駁, 迎賓飲品及冷毛巾,

免費 WiFi ,免費瓶裝水,

免費接駁服務至 Seminyak Area (時刻表請洽旅館),

保證延遲退房至 5 pm

"ALEA" 在梵文中的意思是 "超越你的期待",這就是 The Alea Hotel要帶給每一位住客的感受。

靜謐又舒適,步行就能到達美麗的Petitenget 海灘,酒店內的泳池和早餐讓人印象深刻,舒適的房型和親切的服務人員展現出峇里島溫馨可親的一面,如果你來訪的時候不是跟家人或伴侶在一起,你一定會想帶他們再來一次。